As sordid and perhaps shameful as this is going to sound, I actually think this nation, er the US of Empire, needs to be run into the ground, because I REALLY do not think the lay person is going to comprehend the need until the majority of folks have been rendered uncomfy for a great while. We're living in a first world nation with a third world infrastructure. And, there is NO DOUBT in my mind, in the years to come, shit's gonna break HARD. I think we will require a New Deal Plan to invoke more fortified renewable energy (RE) measures and rebuild our infrastructure. Period.
It's just human nature to be short-sighted and fearful. I get it. So bring on the repercussions of the complicity, so we can get on with the order of business of destroying everything--too much DAMN testosterone running this space ship, so bring it on and let's just get it over with. Then we can rebuild (if we haven't obliterated everything in the process--cockroaches should still be okay), since most aren't into pro-activity anyway. Amerikans are a clever lot and can be compelled to action to do GREAT things when the need necessitates. I am all too aware of this, but I can't sit here any longer, be stuck and wait on our ineffective so-called leadership. I need to get busy NOW, and the EU is more SERIOUS about REs.
Don't get me wrong. I care, I care just TOO DAMN much that all this has literally made me physically ill and borderline mental. I'm not alone here. Many of my colleagues too endure the pain and anguish of trying to invoke collaborations and get the masses to 'see the light.' So...
...I've been in the process of eschewing futile dichotomies. All this is out of my control at this juncture in time. I do, however, know my 'vaults' are full of ideas and I'm going to work on getting my ducks in a row, so when it's time for me to be called on, I'll be ready. I'm hoping to garner the tools and experience I require to collaborate with the engineers and utilities who will be bringing the next generation of distributive energy and smart grids online.
Since all ya'll often ask me what is it I do, my generalists skills will be (tentatively) focusing on designing and assembling the hybrid RE systems that will connect into this future energy grid infrastructure—it's only natural since I'm a Jill-of-all-trades, anyway. And perhaps, I'll also work with folks who will develop the world wide energy web—all that time I did/dues I paid in the dot-comedy as a systems administrator/engineering & web architecting will certainly come in handy in this regard.
In the interim, I will do my best to keep abreast of the latest on the ground in the US of Empire, so I can be informed to be well equipped for my next move. The way I see it, I don't have loyalty to any nation, per se, rather to our spaceship and the good mother earth. Ownership of land has never ever equated or resonated with me—could all be due to my ancestral roots. I'm goin' mobile, and I'm rather comfy with this notion. I am a military brat, after all.
Rest assured, I'm goin' back into my 'hidey-hole', now. I'll be the MAD! scientist/engineer behind the curtain. Starting 16 September, I'll be watching from over the way-way.
Be as well as you can be. I'll do my best to not let you or the future generation down from this intergenerational disaster in the making—er 'bed's' already made in my opinion...