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Showing posts from 2008

On fear...

How many things have you not done in life because of fear? How many things do you firmly believe you are incapable of? Fear is the main limiting factor in most peoples lives. Fear of failure, of success, fear of change, of responsibility… Our social structures encourage us to suppress our full potentials in favor of compliance with “the norm”, a norm which includes little space for growth and self-worth. By challenging ourselves to surpass our fears we create space for those around us to do the same. I am often told I am intimidating, that people fear me. All I have to to be 'afforded' this 'title' is walk into a room. I get this, just because I am not 'of the familiar', possess a powerful presence essence, am physically big boned, not sore on the eyes, spit good spit, and have my shit together. This is troubling, because I am expected to be innocuous, docile and demure , er subjugate myself for the 'comfort zones' of others. Truthfully, I think we ar...

The inspiration that lead me to this 'place'...

It was my recent The Vortex :: American Workaholics DFILM that instigated this. I figured most of you just delete my emails anyway without reading them. Lord knows you wouldn't want your employer catching you reading some of my rebellious rants. ;^) Come (or don't come) as often as you like, when you like and when you can get away with slacking off. Praise Bob! PREPARE. RESPOND. ADAPT.

Eschewing Futile Dichotomies

Yo, As sordid and perhaps shameful as this is going to sound, I actually think this nation, er the US of Empire, needs to be run into the ground, because I REALLY do not think the lay person is going to comprehend the need until the majority of folks have been rendered uncomfy for a great while. We're living in a first world nation with a third world infrastructure. And, there is NO DOUBT in my mind, in the years to come, shit's gonna break HARD. I think we will require a New Deal Plan to invoke more fortified renewable energy (RE) measures and rebuild our infrastructure. Period. It's just human nature to be short-sighted and fearful. I get it. So bring on the repercussions of the complicity, so we can get on with the order of business of destroying everything--too much DAMN testosterone running this space ship, so bring it on and let's just get it over with. Then we can rebuild (if we haven't obliterated everything in the process--cockroaches should still be ok...