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Showing posts from December, 2009

The Story of...

Annie spits some 'riotous' spit... ... stuff ... cap & trade PREPARE. RESPOND. ADAPT.

Addicted to Nonsense INDEED! AKA Hubris of the humanities... happened before in societies that collapsed, it's going to happen again, I'm afraid. I speak of the Hohokam in AZ in 3BC who, in spite of not raising domesticated animals and only used wood modestly, a life 'apparently' based on sustainability, with the increase in population food became scarce, environmental changes, imposition of irrigation strategies/over-farming and social responses, er 'ceremonial activities' weakened their system's resilience and made their system vulnerable to the climate extremes. And the Norse society in Greenland in the 1720s sticking to established patterns, elaborating on its churches and 'ideological conditioning' of the population instead of its hunting skills. And so it goes today... After my mid-20s, I didn't subscribe to this societal nonsensical crap that's dished-out on the eeidiot boxes. I'm just trying to get my ducks in a row, and be ready to do what I can to start mopping up the mess that wil...

CONG, COP15, bureaucratic domination, enslaving debt

I was never comfortable wearing someone's badge of compliance for corporations, or securing that 'union card' to learn, be published in some elitist scientific journal filled to the gills with copy the masses couldn't comprehend, so I could accept bureaucratic domination and enslaving debt. What's the use of getting this graduate degree when it's not going to make any difference anyway? If the CONG (coal oil nooklar and natural gas) conglomerates have their way, NOTHING will come out of the Copenhagen COP15 (no tax assessed on carbon) that will secure improving prospects for renewable energy technologies—well, not until CONG eeps every last drop of their investments. Notice how when REs take off a smidgen, price of petrol goes down? Yessirree, being in debt to the eyeballs is slavery of the 21st century. Thank you consumerism of damn near everything. We are citizens no more in this nation, merely consumers. PREPARE. RESPOND. ADAPT.